Friday, January 16, 2009

we are, indeed, a sovereign people

I am serious about this issue of our sovereignity...i do not mean as part of the british empire, but as a people, the Kenyans, ourselves, me included.

We are sovereign!

allow me to demonstrate.

it is only in a sovereign people's nation where we licence what one Professor of the University of Nairobi calls "ethno bureaucratic cronyism"...pls get a dictionary if you are like me...but i am informed it means "people from the leader's tribe/ethnic group aided by the leader to joining the governement bureaucracy so that they can steal and be protected by the leader and they forever be faithful to defend the interests of the leader so that more of the leaders's tribe can eat" phew!

it is only in a sovereign people's nation that we allow our economy to grow through rumours, ooh six percent...oooh seven percent...oooh expected four percent...whereas we, the people, are getting poorer by the day but our roads are continously littered with new cars and new buildings are springing up all over the place (watu wanatoa pesa wapi? au mimi ndio mjinga?)

it is only here that we breed a certain category of people that can easily be called experienced public thieves, unashamed, unabashed, and regular

it is only in this country that we can allocate maize to the national millers to produce cheap flour for us starving people and then allow a few politicians to take it and sell it to other countries

it is only here where we can say there is equitable distribution of resources when we have every mp in government and almost all ethnic communities represented in government appointments...i mean, our argument is simple... what these mps and ministers and assistants and ps'es and board members earn is ours, hawa ni watoto wetu

it is only in this sovereign nation that we have a government of matambara, yaani patchwork: very effective indeed!

it is only here where you can cause people to fight and after afew (just above a thousand) of them die and a few (five only) hundred thousands are displaced you call for calm and get a motorcade and have your fellow fiends...oops friends! cabinet.

it is only here, in this soverign nation that it people rummage in dumpsites to get leftovers for thier dinner (no, dinner is not the word...i need education here...what do we call a bite of a rotten something you get after having gone hungry for days?)

it is only here that when half the people are starving, we marvel when a hundred thousand bags (kidogo sana hio!) of maize disappear in thin air and we clap whenever we see our mp or another thief driving a new car

it is only in this nation where some people elected to legislate want to be the sole participants in the constitution review process...since, of course, they are cleverer than all of the rest put together! indeed that being why they were elected in the first place

it is only in this our sovereign nation where we have a parliament that is so careful it can create and pass a law (the constitution of kenya review act 2008) with a schedule meant for consultations with the people substantively provided for (section 31) but deleted from the law

it is here where we have a parliament so keen on disenfranchising its people that it muzzles the media with impunity then its members start a "i do not know/it wasn't me campaign" complete with party trapdoors

it is only in a sovereign people's nation where we are happy to swim in whirlpools of scandals all of which sink only a few billions of shillings (kidogo sana hio...the last only had 7billions)

there is no other place except this sovereign people's nation where you can find a deffective national accord lasting seven months only for somebody to realise there is no mechanism for dispute resolution and then putting together a bunch of ten old men does not matter at all that women are the majority people or the youths have much more at stake ... to look after the affairs of the collussion government

I am sure i have convinced you that we indeed are a nation of sovereign people.

i do not know what God is thinking, but it rained today across the country, just a week after all the season's crops had withered in the hostile sun.

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