Friday, April 16, 2010

Kenya for reforms

Did we have an election in 2007 in Kenya Really?

How come, then, that we can have two so said elected MPs washed away by the tide of court cases in one swoop in an afternoon today? Wanjiru, Thuo...

We should first-forward 2012 to send all these noisemakers home. They are all fakes!

Wanjiru, what will you do now? go to church, rather, to JIAM, and tell the people that it is the devils work? that the court is evil and that Kamanda was an agent of the devil? what will you say? what happened to your prayerfulness? so you stole the vote? what else have you stolen? No wonder you are against the getting of a new constitution.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

and now here we are; on the path less travelled

my bible knowledge keeps on getting mixed up with other worldly things, so i do not know whether the title alludes to a poem by one of those pale aesthetes from Europe or from the Bible reference to the road leading to heaven...

whatever it is, it is clear i am in trouble

And my trouble is simple: I risk NOT going to heaven if I continue moblising people to vote yes! and vote yes! for this new attempt at a constitution for Kenya.

Reason: Our betters, the people who know best on faith matters, the leaders of the flock of Jesus on this sinful world, the strong men (rarely women) who have chosen the path of righteousness, have said it is bad, evil etc etc...i have not yet heard satanic, but maybe that's what they mean.

....well... eeh ... honestly... i mean eeh actually, this constitution only resolves the rich-rich conflict arising out of the 2007 elections (what we may call the intra-class rivalry that pulled the whole of the country to the precipice of a failed nation), it is an agenda 4 item, but has quite a number of gains for ordinary Kenyans

But, really, what chances of going to heaven do i stand when i have not even prayed before asking people to VOTE YES. What impetuousness i display?

If it is said on the day of judgement that I am abetting sin, that i have assisted the community of Kenyans to indulge in exercises that have no Godliness in them, what will I say?

Yet, verily I say unto you, the road less travelled, the narrow road, leads not to church, BUT to God.
