Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 If I had Wisdom

The wise have spaces to fill

The clever have narratives to spin

The rest of us are here

The waiting game ours

Wisdom helps one sift the lies

And cleverness helps one see the shadowy figures

What the rest have makes them see grey

Their world moves round

The expanding circles of guilt

Stonewall the rest

But the wise don't rest on the spin

And the clever roar in laughter

We wail at the sight of pain

Wishing someone had told us 

While the wise see round corners

And the clever bend to let the winds howl past

Wisdom has no agile feet

And cleverness thinks before it moves

The rest rest on their laurels

Waiting for the swamp to drain

Oh, had I wisdom

I would not crave cleverness

I would not join the rest

I would be floating in the sky

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Lone Voice in the Wilderness

In January 2020 - when the BBI war was at its height, in an article that was never published, I wrote about The Strategy by Uhuru and Ruto to ensure the latter became the president after the former:

And after a lengthy argument in which i referenced the "Projekt Sonnenkinder" and Benito Mussolini's fascism (where whoever agreed with government would have their sins forgiven),  I concluded:

Nowadays I don't write. I stopped believing publishers... 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

of death that ain't waiting for us to bury the dead

Before the ink dried on my last post where I ranted at the government for causing us to die, death sent by Kenya government's irredeemable inefficiency came rushing in the darkness, carrying rock boulders and uprooting trees and sweeping off cars from the road! By the time dawn broke over the rugged hills to the East Mahi Mahiu, 46 bodies of dead people had been pulled from the death waters that had collected itself behind a clogged railway drainage channel - of course nobody in government knew about the drainage channel - so when some government officers say it was a dam, you know who is killing us.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Government is Killing us!

Mathare has no drainage. 
 It's a deathtrap when the skies unburden themselves.
It is a place of utter depravation on good days and a site of extrajudicial executions when the police are on the loose... which is always! 
 Do we have an MP? 
Is the Governor of Nairobi aware? 
Are there MCAs? 
Do we have a government that provides services? 


That's the answer. 
We are on our own! 
 Except now, the government is killing us with its ineptitude and irresponsibility and neglect and hatred...
Yes, they hate us! 

Mama Victor, also known as Benna Buluma, is dead. 
The floodwaters that have not been drained in Nairobi visited her abode in Mathare valley, 
her house that is still bereft of joy following the extrajudicial execution of her sons by the police, 
a house that was still cold with the pain of loss, 
a house where she lived with her grandchildren, 
the foodwaters came. 
 And with them came the angel of death, 
trapped by the hovel of a house that gave way to the floodwaters... 
and unhelped because her cries floating across the raging water could not be heard in time, 
and those that heard could not reach her... 

So she died,
plus her friend Jacinta 
and the grandkids... 
And two days later, 
their bodies have not been retrieved... 

So it seems the government is killing us with wanton uncaring and unplanning and unmitigating ... 
We are on our own!

Monday, May 31, 2021


Yesterday, Kalembe died. In September 1998, When prof Sumbi was being buried, Kalembe told President Moi that the biggest problem in Makueni was land grabbing, and told him that he was sitted next to a land grabber (a PC then) He left the meeting in a skirt as the police sought to arrest him. He hid in other people's ceilings fearing arrest for long. He dug an underground tunnel in his house in Mbui Nzau to escape by when they came for him. He fought and fought and fought - for the benefit of squatters. In Kibwezi, there is a market called Kalembe Raha - where he protected squatters and brought raha to them. His political journey has been one looking for benefits for others... Generous to a fault. Genuine as a human being. And he never missed mass. And now, those who fought to sideline him are eulogising him... God, see these hypocrites. And God, while you are at it, welcome Kalembe to your home.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

High Court Shines

Seems my life is being run by courts: Supreme, High I won't appeal I may be captured and quatered